Acrylic Partials
From short term provisional partials to long term transitional partials, Lab One produces a host of acrylic based partial dentures. Our acrylic partials are designed for ease in delivery, seated on a duplicate model and easily serviced as your patient requires additional teeth and clasping added.
We are proud to be a recipient of the National Association of Dental Laboratory’s prestigious Harry C. Hagman, CDT Inventors Award for the invention and patent of our Virginia Partial, an acrylic fused with Luci-Sof silicone base which provides for easy insertion, comfort, durability, and esthetics. This award was established by the NADL in 1982 for members which bring new and innovative tools, materials, and processing methods to the dental laboratory industry and has only been awarded 18 times in its over 30 year history.
Whether it’s our patented Virginia Partial or acrylic based with flexible clasping to simple wrought wire temporary partials, we have a solution for your patient’s situation. If you’re not sure of the best option, simply send your case and request a telephone or email consultation and one of our experts will contact you. Let us do what we’re good at, so you can focus on what you’re good at!
“Lab One’s acrylic partials are an esthetically pleasing way to replace teeth when budget is a concern. Quickly gain your confidence back while continuing treatment with Lab One’s acrylic partials.”
Jeffery Jarrell, DDS
Surveyor, WV